How to Organise a Travel Program

Able Chacko Elavumparayil
5 min readOct 4, 2017


How to Organise a Travel Program?

letus travel

W We all like to travel.It may solo,Duo or Group.
Here I tell you How to Organised a travel trip and what points you should note while you are travelling and what are the benefits of travelling.Welcome Wanderer!

Main Things You should not forget while Travelling.

Type of Travel ? What is my Resposability in Travel ?

How to Organise a Travel Trip ?

Why I am Travelling ?

Organising a Travel Program

HHow to Organise a Travel Program?

1.Announce For Group Discussion.

Announce ‘we are planning/Conducting a Travel trip anyone is interested to join with us and make our trip more adorable by participating and adding your talents in to this trip’. The Group discussions are the ribs of the Group trip.So First you have to Announce for Group Disscussion.

2.Make a Team.

Making a Team that means.If the travel Organised by a Committee,Clubs and other Group then you can Avoid this.Otherwise You have to make a team or select Some Strong members to your travel committee.There should be Organizer / cashier / food -stay Organizer / Assistant Organizer ( for all support).The strong members in travel committee make your trip adorable.

3.Ask Opinions!

Ask opinions where? in Group Meeting.Asking a opinions make getting new new idea that will fruit-up your trip more and more.So do not hesitate to ask opinions from the outside or in the group.It is valuable.

4.Select Type of Travel-Trip.

Type of travel trip ? Yes there is a type of travel trip.Every trip is different and the mood is difficult one by one. Adventure,Festival,Religious These are the main type of travel -trips. First ask about them what you like?

Simply Select Type of Travel-Trip

ADVENTURE : Hiking,Trekking,Forest Trips etc. Are included in adventure trips.I prefer Youngsters and teens for this type of trip,it does not mean that I avoid elders “If you are FIT then you can try this”

FESTIVAL : Youngsters and Children and Elders like this select this type of will create you a festival mood in your life.

RELIGIOUS : Mostly Religious Trips are for Elders and those who seeking Divine.

5.Choose Place.

After Selecting a Type of Travel you must Choose place.Place where we can reach Easily or the Place where we can get good Food and accommodation.More popular attracted place.

6.Mode of Travel.

How you will reach the Destination? its the mode of travel .

BUS : Selecting Via.Bus may a Good choice so you can cover a lot of place much less time (if the places are nearby)

Plane/Train : Place is nearby then choose it.

Mixed : Mostly its More effective but need a well pre-planned Organisation.After selecting the place the if the place is far away from our place then first select Air or Train and from there arrange a Bus to visit each place.

7.Select Days

You already selected the place where you want to Go on the Trip.So the Day you select is according to the place.Check Weather which is the Season for that place these are the main points you should note while you are select a date,and make a timetable for visit.

8.Food and Accommodation

Food and Accommodation one of the most important thing in travel organizing You must check the hotels and Restaurants near that location and what type of food wanted by the travelers,if there is any special type of food that must eat? Check the Safety of the stay place Hygienic or not? The possibility to reach the destination should also noted.

9.How Much it Cost ?

Last but not least its the the Cost of the Travel trip.After all the above Step you may find out how much will cost for the trip but you should add some more extra to the amount.That because of some time the over all cost may differ than the Pre-calculated amount.

10.Some Extra Tips .

a.Make a Travel Time Table

You should make a Travel Time Table. Always check the time whether the all planning going well according to the early calculations.

b.Note Down The Name and Details of the Travelers.

You should Write down all the details of the people travelling with you and their contact details and other Guardians or parents details Extra.If the trip is out side of the State then it will be required at the check posts. for versification.If you are from any authority then make it like a document by your own letter pad.

c.Medical and Extra Requirements

Take Some Extra Common Medicines with you like ORS,Balms..etc That will help you while in Travelling.

d.Check any Friends Near that Destination.

Check whether any relatives or friends near that area.Its very helpful to Know more about the area.

e.Friend With Guides / Drivers etc.

Be friends with Everyone.The travel Guides and the Drivers in the bus etc. are very familiar with that area so while travelling with them they can help you to find easy ways or more places,destinations somany extra benefits from them so be gentle with them and do not behave them like a slave.

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Able Chacko Elavumparayil

A Quirky Ravenclaw 🚶 🔥Opinion Vlogger | Weird thinker 🦉 Posses intellectual level of curiosity beyond the utilitarian approach to knowledge ∆